About Us

Welcome to the Brown Sugar Babe Experience!

Self care is one of those things we often take for granted. Most of us don’t do enough of it, while others don’t pay attention until stress has taken over some part of our lives and forced us to intentionally reboot. Self-care presents in many different ways depending on individual needs and/ preferences. There’s the option of taking a break from work, to eating healthy, to keeping your body in shape, or even simply talking about your mental health.


A few years ago, while working a very demanding job, I discovered aromatherapy as an easy method to maintain my stress levels. I noticed an immediately significant decrease in tension when I inhaled pleasing or calming fragrances. Thus began my journey to discover how I can help others experience the immediate benefits of aromatherapy and its relation to selfcare.


I founded Brown Sugar Babe to incorporate aromatherapy as a form of self care into our everyday lives. Aromatherapy has this really formal reputation but it’s actually as simple as using your sense of smell to interrupt other possible negative functions of the mind and/or body. With the support of my family and friends, and after several trial batches to perfect my formula, I established Brown Sugar Babe.


As the CEO and founder of this humble company, I pledge to keep things simple. Though production has graduated from my little home kitchen (thanks to the growing demand for our products), we continue to maintain the integrity of our fragrances by running several tests during production and taking special note of our beloved customers’ feedback and fragrance requests. By sticking to our original mission of re-introducing the importance of self-care into our everyday lives, we will persist to develop effective products that truly recuperate the mind, body, and soul.


I graciously appreciate each of our current customers, as well as those to come. I am humbled by your continued patronage and thank you deeply for sharing this exhilarating journey with us. You truly are the best part of Brown Sugar Babe.


Inhale. Exhale. Be Well.